Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mid-life ponderings....or things that make you go hmmm

So I only turn 31 this year which is hardly mid-life...and if it is my wife is going to be very pissed off. But anyway, as I was looking over my blog, I realized that it tends to the deep and philosophical side as opposed to the light whimsical side that I love to read. I love Dave Barry. So why the crap am I being so thoughty? Is it because I feel at a crossroads in my life? I have a great job, I love it but another department is trying to get me to join them where I would get paid more and I got a call the other day from a company that wants to interview me if I'm interested. I have never had this kind of employement opportunities...ever. I'm going back to school after almost 10 years of abscense. I'm very nervous because while I did well in high school, college was a little too relaxed for me. I need structure apparently. Granted now I have a wife to kick my butt and tuition re-imbursement to shoot for but it doesn't make it any less scary.
So not a crisis and I don't see a sports car in my future(can't carry lots of people and poor gas mileage) but it has definitely brought out the ponderous me. Perhaps my better writing side. I don't know. Hopefully as this path unfolds I will be able to get outside my life and see what is going on in the world again...laugh and mock and cry with the issues that concern so many more of you. But for now, I'm lowering my horns, pushing through to see where I go and hoping when I raise my eyes again I will find myself where I want to be. Wherever that is.

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