Friday, December 3, 2010

ProNaNoWriMo - Oh yeah!

So November was NaNoWriMo or to non-writers, National Novel Writing Month. The idea is that you set a goal to write 50,000 words in a month or a decent length book. Not really a novel but I know a lot of writer's have SOMETHING in the works and this is to encourage them to further their progress on it. I totally missed it.

Oh I knew it was happening but I had school and work and an anniversary and my wife's birthday and Thanksgiving and finishing my son's "robot". I didn't have time to write.

So I have declared December, Procrastinated National Novel Writing Month. I have set my goal to write 50k words this month. I have a novel and a screenplay that need work so I'm getting a little bit of a late start but I'm determined. I'll never get published if I never finish anything that can be published. I invite anyone who wants to join the writing desk!!