Thursday, October 22, 2009

Shall we have the penguin for dinner?

I started my Linux class this week and have already been introduced to VirtualBox which is an OpenSource version of VMware. Glory it's a good ride. Very similar to other OpenSource options I've used (GIMP, in that it can't seem to handle everything in a single window. I've been using VMware for over a year now and so figuring out the particulars of VirtualBox didn't take too long. But it is freaking cool that I can do it!

I was also assigned to learn more about Linus Torvalds the genius behind Linux and so I did the normal thing and just Googled him. I wandered through his Wikipedia entry (always the authoritative source on any topic no matter what my technical writing teacher says) and then found his blog. And it's on blogspot! I read through the more recent entries and laughed a lot. He's nigh unto the Dave Barry of geeks and that's saying something. I've never been much of an OpenSource advocate except GIMP and OpenOffice because their counter-parts are outragiously expensive but I think this whole Linux thing might grow on me.

If you see me wearing a tux everywhere all the time, you'll know I've converted to the penguin.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Cabbage droppings

If anybody asks, I didn't do it. And no, I'm not talking about my homework...well, not right now. I seem to be stuck in a holding pattern. I remember laughing a lot once. I remember doing more or at least it seemed like I did more. I feel lost most of the time like I'm treading water looking around for something to swim towards.

Oh my life seems to have direction, I have a career and a future career path, I'm still gaining ground on my degree, my kids are getting older whether I like it or not and we have a financial plan. But as a person, I'm languishing. I'm unfullfilled. I figure that's a bad thing so it's time to re-evaluate myself. I know my spirituality has been lacking so of course that's where I will start. Hopefully, that will turn on the lights and help me find my way.