Saturday, May 24, 2008

Nights and days like these....

So sleeping soundly in my bed yesterday at 3:30 when the phone rings. I look at the clock. "Who the freak is calling at this hour?" The only thing I could think of though was this was important. So I got out of bed and went to get the phone just as it stopped ringing. Now I had to know. I was up anyway. So I checked caller-id and it was my wife's sister. That meant it was important. I called her back and she asked to talk to Michelle(my wife). She was out the door in 10 minutes. I went back to bed. My wife's nephew had been complaining of stomach pain for over 12 hours and he had been throwing up. He is 13 now. So m sister-in-law took him to the ER and they took him by ambulance to Primary Children's Hospital for emergency surgery. He had a bowel obstruction caused by scar tissue from when he had his appendix out. And to top it off, it turns out that his intestine got wrapped around the blocked section and killed it so they had to remove a foot of intestine. Why did she call my wife? Well her husband was in California on business. He got an earlier flight home and went straight to the hospital. Then he finally came home to relieve my wife who basically got her sister's other 5 (all younger) kids up, dressed and ready for school and dropped the older 3 off. Then she did lunch and picked them up and luckily some neighbors brought dinner over so she didn't have to worry about that. But she didn't get home until 8:30 last night. I luckily have an awesome boss and was able to work from home for the day. Oh and take care of my 5 kids all day in the process. Long day doesn't adequately describe it.
And someday I promise to make this blog more uplifting or at least funny.

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