Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where has my little dog gone

Ok,so I don't have a dog nor do I care where anyone elses dog is. My summer update goes like this: I'm still one valve down on my sprinkler system. I fear this will be the story of my life. Always having 4 out 5 valves working is a little sad. BUT my major accomplishment of the summer was finishing our fence!! Lots of long hours digging and mixing concrete in my wheelbarrow and getting the posts to be straight and I can finally not worry about stepping in dog poop when I mow my back lawn. YAY!!

I'm still rolling along with school and have had my graduation from SLCC accepted for December of this year! Yep, I will finally have some semblence of a degree. Granted it's just an AS but it's better than an outdated certification. I also started up at Weber this fall so I'm on my way to my Bachelor's. The only bad part is that I'm burning out like a lightbulb left on 24/7 for two years. It's getting harder to kick my butt to do homework. I'm starting to dread assignments.

Anyway, we've had the round of sickees and now I'm hoping we'll have a round of healthees for a while. I'm really rather tired of cleaning up puke. Oh and Michelle got her hair colored and cut and she looks FABUL-ICIOUS!!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Who is me?

In high school I devoted an inordinate amount of time to figuring out who I was. What did I like? What was I good at? What were my feelings on certain matters? By the time I graduated I thought I had myself pretty figured out. Then I went to college and met some great people who taught me that maybe I could be better, so I changed a little but still knew who I was. My mission deepened my sense of spirituality and added and tweaked my image but I was still confident in that image and with that confidence I came home and got married.

Although I have expanded this concept of who I was as I became a husband and then father and career man, I have always still held onto some of the fundemental likes, dislikes and traits. I am a poet, a hopeless romantic, a right-brained individual.

Recently, as I have blogged before, I'm back in school. I've done surprisingly well in both of my previous math classes (better than I ever did in high school) and found them to not be nearly as difficult as I remembered. This semester I've started Calculus again. Apparently they don't believe I remembered enough from almost 15 years ago. I don't believe it either. However, I have a great teacher who has got to be one of the funniest math teachers I've ever known. Today, my math book finally arrived. Saved me $50 waiting until the first day of class instead of just blindly buying what the bookstore recommended. As I was driving home I was thinking about the homework that is being put off to write this blog post. I have an English assignment for my Technical Writing class and my Calc homework that I can finally start on.

I actually thought the calc homework would be more fun. When I realized the thought I had and that I really did feel that way about this math....I had a sudden crisis of self. How on earth did that ever happen??? Granted, technical writing is really kinda boring and has to follow all of these strict rules that I have forgotten most of or never cared about and still don't. Creative writing is where my heart still lives. But wanting to do math over writing of any kind?!

I felt very lost. I still am wandering in a thick fog. What seemed so clear earlier today has become nebulous like a representation of the internet in an IT textbook. My heart is crying out for time to sort and discover and regain some semblence of who I am. But alas, I have homework...and my job, and a honey-do list to rival Santa's Naughy-and-Nice. So it is I will finish this post with the still lingering question, "Who is me?"