It's one of those titles that makes you click to read the blog just because of the title. I'm not like Aaron Ball who gets people to read regardless of what he calls his post. We just know that even if he title it "Orange" or "Wednesday" that his particularly candid view of the world will be there for us to laugh at. Sorry Aaron but even when you're serious, it's still funny.
So I'm getting really annoyed at teachers who believe their class will be the start of some student's journey into their field of expertise. Don't get me wrong, passion in teaching is critical to get the students involved and interested. But I'm talking college. I'm talking about General Ed classes. These aren't the classes I'm taking because someday I want to get into this field. These are the classes I'm forced to take so I have a "well-rounded" (read more money in their coffers) education. These have nothing to do with my chosen career. Sure some of it is interesting but let's face it, I thought about going into psychology in high school. I never took the class in high school because I had other classes I considered more fun with cuter girls. Dude, chior girls were hot! I also only took the minimum amount of science to graduate. I transfered out of honors chemistry into basic chemistry because the honors chemistry teacher was passionate. I feel the same way about anatomy and psiology. But there isn't another class to transfer into. I'm stuck. I'm sorry but if this were going to be my life's work, I'd want to go to campus and get the full experience. I wouldn't sign up for the online class. I'm in the online class because I need a stupid science credit to graduate. See basic chemistry.
And this is my beef. These are well published, bottom-rung division gen-ed classes. Those interested in the major take them so they can get into higher level classes where the real stuff is, the rest of us take them to graduate. We don't really care like you, the teacher, do. We just want a passing grade and a diploma. SO WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU INFLICTING YOUR PASSION ON ME!!!!! That isn't a question. I don't want an answer. It's like, "How are you?" Sometimes I care but you'll know by the way I say it that I do not just because I say it. My Finance teacher gets it. He cancelled the final because summer semester is so short. My psychology teacher just crammed two chapters into 1 week and dropped an essay. My A&P professor just said get more done in less time. Oh and the final is on campus. And it's 50% of your grade. Seriously? I'm taking an online class for a reason. This is a freaking gen-ed. I'M GOING INTO COMPUTER SCIENCE! I fully expect to get carpal tunnel and fat from sitting at a desk all day typing code. I don't need to know all of the parts of my body that are going to hate me for that. And I especially don't care that the medical field as come up with all of it's own lingo for things. A synovial articulated joint is three words that all mean the same stupid thing!
I could go on. I won't. This is long enough as it is. Someday I'd like to teach a gen-ed. Creative writing or something. I think I'd have one of those classes that is filled on day 3 of registration. Not that it would be an easy A. But because I'd know it was a general ed. I'd know why they were taking the class and teach to that. The kids would love it. I recommend this personal finance class to anyone who needs that gen-ed category. This class actually has stuff I wish I had learned fresh out of high school or just home from the mission instead of 10+ years later when I've learned most of it by necessity. But Dennis Wilson gets that it's a gen-ed. Thank goodness.
Residential Treatment
5 years ago